
Montessori at Home SAMPLE Schedule

By Sylvia Arotin

Sample Schedule 2.docx amended.pdf

Based on numerous requests from people asking for guidelines or advice on how a typical Montessori day at home looks like, we have created a SAMPLE Montessori schedule.

The schedule is just a guideline and is adaptable in your family to suit the needs of your child. Do not feel pressured to follow it 100%! Only do what you can and feel you are capable to do!


  • If you are just getting through every day and are unable to follow a schedule such as this or don’t feel like you are ‘DOING’ MONTESSORI… you ARE NO LESS Montessori than anyone else.
  • We need to lower our expectations of ourselves and just get through everyday being emotionally available for our children and families AND DO THE BEST WE CAN – that is Montessori!
  • Writing small goals of tasks you want to achieve at the start of the day will help, make them realistic and try and do as much as you can, you are only human and you are doing your best!
  • Being a Montessori schedule your children will drive many of the activities and learning opportunities during the day and we encourage you to SETUP their environments for independent play.

Having said that… Routine and schedule is important for children, they actually thrive on knowing what to expect and they naturally follow their bodily routines and developmental needs, BUT they need you MORE so just try and be present where possible and shower them with love and cuddles as much as you can.

Explore the fundamentals of Montessori parenting with this free video by Sylvia Arotin, offering insights and strategies to empower and educate your child.

*For children younger than 18 months you can use the same schedule as far as possible but we recommend you adapt the ‘work cycle‘ period for them to 75 mins instead of 2 hours, and allow them to have 2 naps during the day. One in the morning and one after lunch. Routines around feeding and sleeping are just as important for their development so follow your child’s lead.

Good luck everyone, just for being here already you are doing AMAZING!! ?

For a list of our Favourite Montessori aligned activities – click here ?

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