Helpful strategy to stay calm & Understanding children’s behaviour

In this video we will be discussing children’s behaviour, where it stems from and how our perception can change around it to assist the child in these situations. We, as adults must not allow our own emotions to fuel the situation, but rather use it as an opportunity to teach the child how to cope […]

How to get your toddler to cooperate and stop saying NO!

This video will equip you with 3 practical techniques that you can use to empower your toddler or child to cooperate when they are moving through a stage of autonomy and just want to be independent & make their own choices. Testing boundaries and understanding their position with the world around them is all normal […]

Using trays & baskets to declutter a Montessori shelf!

Following on from our decluttering video Part 1, we have now sorted out all the toys & activities in your environment into those 4 grouping methods and they are ready for the shelves! In this video you will learn how to use trays & baskets to declutter your Montessori shelves and learn how to layout […]

4 Simple Grouping Methods To Declutter Your Montessori Space at Home!

Using these methods of grouping your toys and activities you will be able to declutter your environment at home or elsewhere to create a Montessori space in a couple of hours! It is also a great idea to get your children involved in the decluttering process, this way you will be able to observe them […]

Effective Praise: Why using ‘good girl/good boy’ is doing more harm than good

In this video we explore ways on how to communicate praise to children that allows them to build self esteem, confidence and independence! We tackle the standard ‘good girl/ good boy’ habits that are inbuilt in all of us and breakdown the reasons why these phrases are not effective praise in raising tomorrow’s children.

DIY Montessori Materials on a Budget

In this video I will show you how you can create Montessori activities with materials that you can find in your home. Usually Montessori materials can be quite costly, so here are a few simple DIY tricks and Montessori inspired activities that will allow your children to be engaged that won’t break the budget! Fine […]

Tantrums & Meltdowns – Dealing with BIG emotions!

In this video we share the #1 most important skill when dealing with children’s BIG emotions. Whether they feel frustrated, angry, jealous, sad, upset or just want your attention, learn how to help them navigate their feelings. The skills in this video will help you decrease your child’s emotions in that moment and help you […]

Montessori & Discipline – Understanding Freedom within Limits

MONTESSORI & DISCIPLINE In this video we discuss the 3 Key Skills that you will learn to help guide discipline in a Montessori Home / Classroom to diffuse feelings of anger and frustration in children. It will teach you how to instill healthy boundaries and understand “freedom within limits” with mature reactions, remaining calm and […]